Then we parted because of various misunderstandings. She taught me a very strange saying called I love you. I loved her so much, and I'm sure she loved me too. Xia Chunyu: I also know a girl whose name is Yaoyao. Ye Jiayao: I can't afford the high status of the summer childe. I have been floating in the rivers and lakes for many years, and I have a name called Fuyi Childe. I have a half-brother named Xia Chunfeng. The present Lady xia is not my birth mother. Listener 3: "I have watched this paragraph for I don't know how many times, once I see my eyes wet once, Ye Jiayao: Is there anything else? Xia Chun: Now that you say the past is in the past, let's start again Listener 2: "the donkey and f love line is very nicely, Xu Zhixian and Danny has the main connection of men and women play very real, plot seem to have hit the mind, Xia Chun in and Ye Jiayao height reduction of the character of the original, a high cold heart appearance only put f when treasure, there are a lot of good elder brothers a lively and clever but love ass alone a person, each other trust each other a lifetime only love a person, not afraid ephemerality, but beg a pair.Heart is like an" Listener 1: "Zany, play Ye Jiayao alive, her every move reflects that she is a good actress, like Xia Chunyu, like Ye Jiayao, once you have money, you can go to London to cry, go to Paris to cry, go to Japan to cry while wearing a mask, once you have no money, you can only play a string, squat on the pavement to cry." Some Great Reviews About Xiang Xin De Yi Yi 相信的意义 The Meaning Of Believing 唯 一 的 替 代 难 以 搜 寻 The only substitute is hard to find

即 使 不 说 在 意 That is to say not in the mind 仿 佛 我 只 剩 笃 定 Ho All I have left is Dudinho 越 经 历 越 相 信 The more we experience, the more we believe 吞 噬 孤 独 的 肆 意 Swallow the wantonly devour lonely 到 达 不 怕 未 知 崎 岖 When you arrive, you may never know 仿 佛 世 界 只 剩 自 己 The buddha-like world has no one left but itself 到 达 一 些 未 知 唏 嘘 To reach some unknown hush Learn Chinese Time From This Chinese Song Lyrics: Xiang Xin De Yi Yi 相信的意义 The Meaning Of Believing Lyrics 歌詞 With Pinyin By Zhong Dan Ni 种丹妮